About Us
The primary mandate of the Tripura Biodiversity Board (TBB) is to advice the State Government including technical assistance and guidance to the departments of the state government on any matter concerning conservation of bio-diversity, sustainable use of its components and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the use of biological resource and knowledge. Another major task is to regulate by granting of approvals or otherwise requests for commercial utilization or bio-survey and bio-utilisation of any biological resource by Indian Nationals.
The TBB is also aimed at commissioning studies and sponsoring investigations and research for inventorization of the biodiversity in the state including dissemination of information and data across. The TBB is also engaged in awareness creation through mass media regarding conservation of biological bio-diversity, sustainable use of its components and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the use of biological resource and knowledge. Taking steps to build up database and to create information and documentation system for biological resources and associated traditional knowledge through bio-diversity registers and electronics data bases, to ensure effective management, promotion and sustainable uses, are some of the most important objectives for which the TBB is striving hard.
Support Biodiversity Management Committees at different levels to ensure protection of rights including intellectual property rights over biological resources and associated knowledge including the protection of the information recorded in People’s Biodiversity Registers by hand-holding BMCs for strengthening the in-situ and ex-situ conservation of biodiversity including the setting up of the Biodiversity Heritage sites.
The TBB also ensures that biodiversity and biodiversity-dependent livelihoods are integrated into all sectors of planning and management, and at all levels of planning from local to state, to enable such sectors and administrative levels to contribute effectively for conservation and sustainable use.
The TBB has undertakenconsultancies on behalf of the Tripura JICA Proejct for Biodiversity Inventorization in 34 hotspots across the State and undertaking many biodiversity conservation related progammes including people oriented programs. The TBB has also partnered with the Center for Environment Education, Ahmedabad to documenting case studies on Ecotourism/ WL Conservation & Economic benefits to the local people through ecosystem services.
The TBB is also engaged undertaking biodiversity related programmes of the Indo German Cooperation Project in Tripura for constituting BMCs, preparation of PBRs, setting up of Community Conservation Biodiversity Areas, etc.
As special measure to create awareness, the TBB has also executed various extension programmes towards biodiversity conservation education by involving schools and colleges; about 900 Eco-clubs across the state; setting up ‘Biodiversity Libraries’ in village schools; dissemination of posters, booklets, information bulletins etc.; setting up (proposed) exhibits in the Tripura State Museum and Science Academy for display of Biodiversity; observance of International Biodiversity Day, Wildlife Week, Environment Day, conducting and participating at National and State level seminars and workshops in collaboration with organisations/bodies like ONGC, Tripura University (Dept of Botany, Dept. of Forestry & Biodiversity), Trishna Wildlife Sanctuary (Tripura), Eco Clubs in schools, protected areas and BMCs across the State.
TBB is also Collaborating with State Medicinal Plants Board for documentation of Traditional Knowledge as possessed by the local healers/ Vaidyas etc. and promoting the local health traditions among the people for leading a healthy life using natural ressources.
The TBB has a long journey ahead to fulfill multiple mandates and wish to invite suggestions, commernts, ideas, assistance and all other kinds of support from our valued visitors to the web pages.